Nutrition Hacks for Better Fitness: Dr. Rhonda Patrick Debunks Multivitamin & Fish Oil Myths

CrossFit athletes of Barbell Shrugged got biomedical researcher Dr. Rhonda Patrick, PhD, to dish some nutrition hacks at a Paleo f(x) conference in Austin, Texas. She delves deep (for one hour, so save the video to watch later) into how our gene expression, fitness, and quality of life overall can be changed forever by changing specific food and supplement choices. And one thing is clear: although nutrition and biochemistry can be hard to understand and pop science articles often propagate one-size-fits-all nutrition drivel—whether you're a PR crusher or a couch potato: nutrition is everything. Over time, it can turn on bad genes (or good genes), making you less (or more) fit despite your efforts. And it's up to you to sort fact from fiction. Knowledge about these factors can mean the difference between finishing your first 10k or your 10th ultra. It can separate the "healthy and long lived" from the "old before their time."


So what does Dr. Rhonda Patrick say about everyday cell damage caused by your diet? And what do fish oil, multivitamins, and cancer have to do with it? Get out a pen and some paper. (Note: It's a one hour video and there's a 10 minute intermission video to go over lifting form for the Clean. But it continues after that with more nutrition knowledge bombs.) Read some of the video highlights below.

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The 6 Best Mood-Boosting Foods!

Flourless Chocolate Cherry Quinoa Cake, Courtesy of Andrew Rivett, Creative Commons
Flourless Chocolate Cherry Quinoa Cake, Courtesy of Andrew Rivett, Creative Commons

By Cat Perry


Ever hear of Blue Monday—that cold, dark day in January (1/20) that's purported to be the Most Depressing Day of the Year? Thank goodness that's history! The days are getting longer and hotter, and you're feeling more adventurous, so rest assured, June 20 was the "Happiest Day of the Year," and June 21 officially kicked off summer, so the rest is up to you. But guess what: Research shows that certain foods can help you stay in the happy zone for a lot longer.


Happy Days Are Here—on Your Plate

My Fit Foods dietitian Jenny Smith wants to share the Best 6 Mood-Boosting Foods that you need to add to your diet right now, to help you sustain that happy feeling all year long. Of course, pairing these with exercise (along with sunlight and massage, according to Psychology Today) will only further enhance their effects, since exercise increases endorphins and boosts serotonin uptake, which makes you happier. Get moving, dig in, and feel better!

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What to Eat on Your Distance Run? Clif Bar Has Pizza Slices & Smoothies

By Cat Perry

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