9 Foundational CrossFit Movements Every Athlete Should Know

9 Foundational CrossFit Exercises Every Athlete Should Know
9 Foundational CrossFit Exercises Every Athlete Should Know

Ask any CrossFitter and they'll tell you CrossFit is the best sport—ever. But so will every runner, cyclist, mountain biker, etc. So CrossFitters are just getting a bad rap because they're the new kid on the block—and because they're no longer niche, found in every corner of the US and across the world now. But jokes aside about "Could a person ever join CrossFit and NOT tell the entire world?"

Whether you're a runner, a weightlifter, a surfer, a mountain biker, or several of the above, you need to know the basics. Start with these nine CrossFit foundational exercises to get you strong and flexible in no time. Train these nine moves, paying close attention to form and tempo, for a few weeks, then start adding 5 percent weight as it gets easier and watch your personal best improve. Add these into your own WODs and you wont regret it. To build a good house, you need a strong foundation.

Air Squats

• Front Squats

• Overhead Squats

• Push Press

• Overhead Press

• Deadlift + 3 more

Challenge: Strip your workout down to these basics. Work on form, not on heavier weight load, to start. You'll be dripping with sweat—I was after 30-50 reps of just the first five exercises. Body in need of a tuning? These foundational exercise will deliver.

Btw, have you been watching the top cards crush the CrossFit Games?

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